Second Round Agility Fund

People's Medicines

Second Round Agility Fund

Entry for the second round of applications for the Agility Fund is now closed. There are currently not plans to run a third round of the Fund, but please check back in for updates.

Below you can find the information about how the Fund was run, including criteria, eligibility and applications for the most recent round of funding.


The Agility Fund is designed to provide rapid, small-to-medium sized grants up to $15,000 to support work that helps to ensure equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines, tests and treatments.

Most recent Agility Fund Timeline

8 September 2022: Launch of Agility Fund. Fund is open to applications.
23 September 2022: Fund is closed to applications at 17:00 UTC.
23 September – 7 October 2022: Applications are shortlisted, applicants informed of the outcome, and due diligence undertaken on successful applications
7-28 October 2022: Disbursement of funding

(Note: All dates may be subject to change)


Organisations that are part of the People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA) and/or are directly working on COVID-19 vaccine, test and treatment access and equity issues can apply for the PVA Agility Fund.

In order to submit an application for a grant, you must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Your organisation and your proposal should contribute towards the objectives of our manifesto.
  • Your proposal must contribute to at least one of the following objectives:
    • The removal of key barriers to COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics, and treatment equity
    • Amplify success stories/models that promote mechanisms that share intellectual property/rights
    • Amplify the voices and stories of the most impacted communities
    • Draw parallels with other diseases that addresses similar systemic barriers faced with COVID-19
  • Your proposal demonstrates a realistic plan to complete all activities within 6 months.
  • You can demonstrate that your activities would support/benefit the work of people in the broader movement, other PVA members, or your local community.
  • Your organisation does not receive any funding from pharmaceutical companies in the last 3 years or have board members who are connected to pharmaceutical companies.
  • Your organisation has a bank account in its own name.


You are still eligible to apply for this grant if you have received or applied for previous grants including the previous Agility Fund grant, or any regional PVA grants.


To submit an application, please:

Application forms and guidelines and FAQ documents are available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and applications can be submitted in these languages. Please note that further communication will primarily be made in English.


Frontline AIDS acts as PVA fiscal sponsor providing financial management oversight and other administrative functions. The Agility Fund is supported and made possible thanks to Frontline AIDS.

We will acknowledge your application as soon as it is received. All submitted applications will then be reviewed by a team of staff from both PVA Global and Frontline AIDS. This review will take into account alignment with the eligibility criteria, impact of the proposed activities and compliance with the Funding Guidelines and FAQs.

Information supplied via the application form is retained by Frontline AIDS to inform monitoring and learning from the PVA, and in order to assist any future applications. Data is secure and accessible only to the PVA and Frontline AIDS teams.

We will assess your proposal only based on the information include in your submitted application. No revised versions of the application will be assessed or accepted. All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. The processing time will vary according to the information you provide and how quickly we can verify this.


The page for the first round of the Agility Fund can be found here.