Who We Are

Who We Are

The People’s Medicine Alliance is a global coalition of over 100 organizations and networks across 33 countries, working for a world where everyone can access the medicines they need, regardless of where they live or what they earn. Our alliance is supported by Nobel Laureates, health experts, economists, Heads of States, faith leaders, and activists. We work together to ensure equitable access to a broad range of medicines and health technologies.

Founded as The People’s Vaccine Alliance, we grew from a May 2020 open letter, intending to be a temporary coalition focussing on the COVID-19 pandemic. But the structural problems in global health aren’t going away. And so we cannot go away either.

Like vaccines, many medicines are being developed with public funding – they are the people’s medicines. And so, the People’s Medicines Alliance advocates for fair access to medicines worldwide.

Meet our members and backers, and find out how to support them locally, or get involved globally by taking action to demand fair access to medical technologies.


The People’s Medicines Alliance is a coalition of organisations including Acción Internacional para la Salud, ActionAid, African Alliance, AfroResistance, Amnesty International, Amref Health Africa, Archewell Foundation, Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA), Asuntos del Sur, Avaaz, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC), BMS World Mission, BEMIS Scotland, Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), Catholic Agency for Overseas Development  (CAFOD ), the Center for Artistic Activism, The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), Christian Aid, Citizen Trade Campaign, Clean Clothes Campaign, Club de Madrid, Concern Worldwide, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Corresponsales Clave, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Doctors for Vaccine Equity (DVE), Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organisations (EANNASO), Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), EMERGENCY, EqualHealth Campaign Against Racism, Fight Inequality Alliance, Fondazione Corti, Free the Vaccine for Covid-19, Frontline AIDS, Fundación IFARMA,  GHP Corporation, Giga Initiative, Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), Global Citizen, Global Justice Now, The Global Initiative For Economic, Social And Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Global Women Leaders, Health GAP, Health Justice Initiative, Health Poverty Action, HelpAge International, HelpAge USA, Humana People to People, Human Rights Watch, Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ), Innovarte,

International Child Health Group of the Royal College of Paediatrics (ICHG), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, Jamaity, Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network Africa (JENA), Justice is Global, Just Treatment, Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU), International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), Knowledge Ecology International, Lab de Datos GT, Medact, Medical Impact, New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) Nizami Ganjavi International Center, No Profit on Pandemic, Norwegian People’s Aid, OPEN, Open Society Foundations, Oxfam, Partners in Health, Peace and Cooperation, People’s Health Movement (PHM), The Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (PAF), Physicians for Human Rights, PrEP4All, Project on Organization, Development, Education and Research (PODER), Public Citizen, Public Services International, Purple Innovation for Women and Girls, REMI East Africa, Rethink Trade, RESULTS UK, RESULTS US, Rights Initiative, SAfAIDS, Salud Por Derecho, Sama Resource Group for Women, Save the Children, SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund), Section 27, Soleterre, SOMO, Southern Voice, Special Olympics, STOPAIDS, SumOfUs, Tearfund, Trade Justice Education Fund,  The Borgen Project, Trócaire, UNAIDS, UNI Global Union, UNITE, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, Vaccine for a Vaccine, War Child Holland, War on Want, Wemos, WeMove, Yunus Centre, and 350.org.


Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo – President of the Republic of Ghana

Muhammadu Buhari – President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Imran Khan – Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Cyril Ramaphosa – President of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the African Union

Macky Sall – President of the Republic of Senegal

Ashraf Ghani – Prime Minister of Afghanistan

Karen Koning Abuzayd – Commissioner of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria, Under Secretary-General as UNRWA Commissioner-General (2005-2010)

Maria Elena Agüero – Secretary General, World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid

Esko Aho – Prime Minister of Finland (1991-1995)¹

Dr. Shamshad Akhtar – Former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Rashid Alimov – Secretary General, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (2016-2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan (1992-1994)²

Farida Allaghi – Former Ambassador of Libya to the EU²

Amat Alsoswa – Former Yemen’s Minister for Human Rights, Former United Nations Assistant Secretary General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director/ Arab States Bureau

Philip Alston – John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law, New York University School of Law and Former UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Abdulaziz Altwaijri – former Director-General of ISESCO²

Baroness Valerie Amos – United Nations Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (2010-2015)

Rosalia Arteaga Serrano – President of Ecuador (1997)²

Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Salvador (1999-2004)

Shaukat Aziz – Prime Minister of Pakistan (2004-2007), former VP of the Citibank²

Jean Baderschneider – Chair of the Board of Directors, Global Fund to End Modern Slavery²

Jan Peter Balkenende – Prime Minister of The Netherlands (2002-2010)¹

Joyce Banda – President of the Republic of Malawi (2012-2014) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation¹

Nelson Barbosa – Professor, FGV and the University of Brasilia, and former Finance Minister of Brazil

José Manuel Barroso – Prime Minister of Portugal (2002-2004), President of the European Commission (2004-2014)¹

Marek Belka – Prime Minister of Poland (2004-2005)²

Carol Bellamy – Former Executive Director, UNICEF (1995-2005)

Sali Berisha – President of Albania (1992-1997), Prime Minister (2005-2013)²

Valdis Birkavs – Prime Minister of Latvia (1993-1994)¹

Irina Bokova – Director-General of UNESCO (2009-2017)

Gordon Brown – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2007-2010)²

Gabriela Bucher – Executive Director of Oxfam International

Sharan Burrow – General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Winnie Byanyima – Executive Director of UNAIDS and UN Under-Secretary General

Kathy Calvin – Former Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation

Kim Campbell – Prime Minister of Canada (1993)¹

Fernando Henrique Cardoso – President of Brazil (1995-2003)¹

Gina Casar – Senior Advisor to the Executive Director, World Food Programme

Hikmet Cetin – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey (1991-1994), former Speaker of the Parliament²

Ha-Joon Chang – Director, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge

Judy Cheng-Hopkins – Former Assistant Secretary-General, Peacebuilding Support, United Nations

Laura Chinchilla – President of Costa Rica (2010-2014)¹

Joaquim Chissano – President of the Republic of Mozambique (1986-2005) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation¹

Helen Clark – Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008), UNDP Administrator (2009-2017)¹²

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca – President of Malta (2014-2019)²

Emil Constantinescu – President of Romania (1996-2000)²

Radhika Coomaraswamy – former UN Under Secretary General and The Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflict

Ertharin Cousin – Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (2012-2017)

Paula A. Cox – Premier of Bermuda (2010-2012)

Mirko Cvetkovic – Prime Minister of Serbia (2008-2012)²

Herman De Croo – Honorary Speaker of the House (1999-2007)²

Nathalie De Gaulle – Co-Founder and President NB-INOV²

Olivier De Schutter – Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Danny Dorling – Professor of Human Geography at Oxford University

Ruth Dreifuss – President of Switzerland (1999) and Federal Councillor (1993-2002)

Susan Elliott – President and CEO, National Committee on American Foreign Policy²

Diane Elson – Emeritus Professor University of Essex, Member of UN Committee for Development Policy

Maria Fernanda Espinosa – President of the United Nations General Assembly (2018-2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador (2007-2009, 2017-2018) and Member of the Political Advisory Panel of UHC2030

Moussa Faki – Chairperson of the African Union Commission

Christiana Figueres – Executive Secretary of UNFCCC (2010-2016)

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President of Iceland (1980-1996)¹

Jan Fisher – Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009-2010)²

Wendy Fisher – President, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation²

Louise Fréchette – UN Deputy Secretary-General (1998-2006)

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr – Director of the Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs and Professor of International Affairs at The New School

Chiril Gaburici – Prime Minister of Moldova (2009-2011)²

Patrick Gaspard – Former United States Ambassador to South Africa, President of the Open Society Foundations

Jayati Ghosh – Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University

Felipe González – President of the Government of Spain (1982-1996)¹

Rebeca Grynspan – Vice President of Costa Rica (1994-1998), Ibero-American Secretary General

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim – President of Mauritius (2015-2018)²

Alfred Gusenbauer – Chancellor of Austria (2007-2008)¹

Tarja Halonen – President of Finland (2000-2012), BoT Member NGIC²

Han Seung-Soo – Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea (2008-2009)¹

Noeleen Heyzer – Member of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Advisory Board on Medication²

Ilaha Ibrahimli – Deputy Secretary General Nizami Ganjavi International Center

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu – Former Secretary General Organization of Islamic Organization²

Mladen Ivanic – President of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2018)²

Gjorge Ivanov – President of North Macedonia (2009-2019)²

Garry Jacobs – CEO, President World Academy of Art and Sciences²

Devaki Jain – Feminist economist, Honorary Fellow at St Anne’s College, Oxford and member of the erstwhile South Commission (1987-90)

Arjun Jayadev – Professor of Economics at Azim Premji University

Rob Johnson – President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – President of the Republic of Liberia (2006-2018)¹

Mehdi Jomaa – Prime Minister of Tunisia (2014-2015)¹

Anthony T. Jones – Vice-President and Executive Director of Gorbachev Foundation of North America (GFNA)¹

Ivo Josipovic – President of Croatia (2010-2015)²

Naila Kabeer – Professor of Gender and International Development at the London School of Economics

Mats Karlsson – Vice President of the World Bank (1999-2002)²

Michel Kazatchkine – Special Advisor to the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Senior Fellow, Global Health Center, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Kerry Kennedy – President Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, BoT Member NGIC²

Rima Khalaf – President of the Global Organization against Racial Discrimination and Segregation, and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (2010-2017)

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete – President of Tanzania (2005-2015)

Horst Köhler – President of Germany (2004-2010)¹

Jadranka Kosor – Prime Minister of Croatia (2009-2011)²

Bernard Kouchner – Minister of Health of France (1992-1993, 1997-1999, 2001-2002), Minister of Foreign affairs of France (2007-2010); founder of Médecins sans frontiers / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and Médecins du Monde / Doctors of the World (MdM)

Chandrika Kumaratunga – President of Sri Lanka (1994-2005)¹

Aleksander Kwaśniewski – President of Poland (1995-2005)¹²

Rachel Kyte CMG – Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera – President of Uruguay (1990-1995)¹

Ricardo Lagos – President of Chile (2000-2006)¹

Zlatko Lagumdzija – Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2002)¹²

Yves Leterme – Prime Minister of Belgium (2008, 2009-2011)²

Laura Liswood – Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders

Petru Lucinschi President of Moldova (1997-2001)²

Nora Lustig – President Emerita of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Professor of Latin American Economics, Tulane University

Jessie Rose Mabutas – Executive Board Member, African Capacity Building Foundation, Expert Member, Accreditation Panel of the UN Adaptation Fund, and Executive Board Member, Section on African Public Administration of the American Society for Public Administration

Graça Machel – Founder, The Graça Machel Trust and Foundation for Community Development

Susana Malcorra – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina (2015-2017)

Isabel Saint Malo – Vice President of Panama (2014-2019)

Purnima Mane – Global expert on gender, HIV and sexual and reproductive health issues, President of Pathfinder International (2012-2016)

Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi – Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Mariana Mazzucato – Professor at University College London and Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)

Dr Charles Ebikeme – Department of Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Mary McAleese – President of Ireland (1997-2011)

Peter Medgyessy – Prime Minister of Hungary (2002-2004)²

Rexhep Meidani – President of Albania (1997-2002)¹²

Carlos Mesa – President of Bolivia (2003-2005)¹

Branko Milanovic – Visiting Presidential Professor at the Graduate Center City University of New York

Aïchatou Mindaoudou – United Nations’ Special Representative for Côte d’Ivoire and Head of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (2013-2017)

Festus Mogae – President of the Republic of Botswana (1998-2008) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation¹

Mario Monti – Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013)¹

Mireya Moscoso – President of Panama (1999-2004)

Kgalema Motlanthe – President of the Republic of South Africa (2008-2009) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation

Amre Moussa – Secretary General of the Arab League (2001-2011), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt (1991-2001)²

Rovshan Muradov – Secretary General, Nizami Ganjavi International Center

Cristina Narbona – First Vice President of the Spaniard Senate and former Minister of the Environment of Spain

Bujar Nishani – President of Albania (2012-2017)²

Olusegun Obasanjo – President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999-2007) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation¹

Djoomart Otorbayev – Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014-2015)²

Roza Otunbayeva – President of Kyrgyzstan (2010-2011)¹

Ana Palacio – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain (2002-2004)

Dr. David Pan – Executive Dean, Steve Scwarcman College, Tsinghua University China²

Flavia Pansieri – Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (2013-2015)

Elsa Papademetriou – former Vice President of the Hellenic Republic (2007-2009)²

Andres Pastrana – President of Colombia (1998-2002)¹

Muhammad Ali Pate – Global Director, Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice of the World Bank and Director of Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents

PJ Patterson former Prime Minister of Jamaica¹

Kate Pickett – Professor of Epidemiology at the University of York

Thomas Piketty – Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics and a co-director of the World Inequality Database

Navanethem Pillay UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2008-2014)

Patrick Pillay former Speaker of the Seychelles National Assembly, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minister of Health

Rosen Plevneliev – President of Bulgaria (2012-2017)²

Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Hifikepunye Pohamba – President of the Republic of Namibia (2005-2015) and Champion for an AIDS- Free Generation

Karin Sham Pòo – Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF (1987-2004)

Achal Prabhala – Coordinator of the AccessIBSA project

Dainius Puras – Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health

Iveta Radicova – Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-2012)¹

José Manuel Ramos-Horta – President of Timor Leste (2007-2012)¹

J.V.R. Prasada Rao – Special Envoy to the Secretary General of the UN on AIDS (2012-2017) and Health Secretary of the Government of India (2002-2004)

Geeta Rao Gupta – Executive Director of the 3D Program for Girls and Women and Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation

Oscar Ribas – Prime Minister of Andorra (1982-84; 1990-94)¹²

Mary Robinson – President of Ireland (1990-1997), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Chair of the Elders

Dani Rodrik – President-Elect of the International Economic Association, Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard University

Petre Roman – Prime Minister of Romania (1989-1991)¹

Jeffrey Sachs – UN SDG Advocate, Director Earth Institute, Columbia University²

Juan Manuel Santos – President of Colombia (2010-2018), 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Elders and Conservation International Arnhold Distinguished Fellow

Kailash Satyarthi – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2014) and Child Rights Activist

Ismail Serageldin – Co-Chair Nizami Ganjavi International Center, Senior VP of the World Bank (1992-2000)²

Fatiha Serour – Africa Group for Justice & Accountability

Michel Sidibé – Former Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Mali

Mari Simonen – Former Assistant Secretary General of the UN and Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA

Pierre Somse – Minister of Health and Population of Central Africa Republic

Vera Songwe – Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Michael Spence – Nobel Laureate for Economic Sciences (2001), William R. Berkley Professor in Economics & Business, NYU

Joseph E. Stiglitz – a Nobel laureate in economics and University Professor at Columbia University

Laimdota Straujuma – Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-2016)²

Petar Stoyanov – President of Bulgaria (1997-2002)²

Boris Tadic – President of Serbia (2004-2012)²

Eka Tkeshelashvili – Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia (2010-2012)²

Aminata Touré – Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-2014)¹

Danilo Türk – President of Slovenia (2007-2012)¹

HRH Prince Turki bin Faisal – Chairman King Faisal Foundations Center for Research and Islamic Studies²

Cassam Uteem – President of Mauritius (1992-2002)¹

Marianna V. Vardinoyannis – Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO²

Ann Veneman – Executive Director of UNICEF (2005-2010)

Melanne Verveer – United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues (2009-2013), Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University

Vaira Vike-Freiberga – President of Latvia (1999-2007), Co-Chair Nizami Ganjavi International Center

Filip Vujanovic – President of Montenegro (2003-2018)²

Darren Walker – 10th President of Ford Foundation

Margot Wallström – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden (2014-2019)

Richard Wilkinson – Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology, University of Nottingham Medical School

Jelta Wong – Minister for Health and HIV/AIDS, Papua New Guinea

Justin Yifu Lin – former Vice-President of the World Bank²

Muhammad Yunus – 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate

Kateryna Yushchenko – First Lady of Ukraine (2005-2010)²

Viktor Yushchenko – President of Ukraine (2005-2010)²

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero – President of the Government of Spain (2004-2011)¹

Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia (2007-2011)²

Ernesto Zedillo – President of Mexico (1994-2000)¹

Gabriel Zucman – Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley

Panjasaram Naidoo – Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice & Nursing at University of KwaZulu-Natal

¹ Member of WLA Club de Madrid² Member of Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC)